FEBRUARY 23, 2017.. This date has got to be one of the best days I've had in my life. Because we just went to Skyranch Pampanga! Also because it was one of my bestfriends' 18th. So the day started okay. Of all the fucking days, that day was the day of our qualifying exams. How lucky are we right? Lol. We had a little surprise for my friend at school. Some balloons and shit. We brought so many stuff at school because we said that after the exams, we'll change our clothes and go straight to skyranch. So at 1pm we got to the bus terminal, we experienced traffic, of course, where in this world can you a find a city that doesn't have traffic. HAHAHA. We got there around 4pm. I was like a mad bunny. I was jumping up and down and kept pointing at stuffs that i see there. I'm pretty sure i looked like a 10-year-old girl who just had her first present. I was fucking happy. The word excited isn't even enough to explain what i was feeling that moment. It was a dr...